Monday, December 20, 2010

Cats and Dogs

We haven't seen the sun here for several days now; the rain hasn't stopped pouring!  It's like it's... what's that word?... oh yes, winter!  (How very exciting!)

I spent the whole day sewing Christmas gifts (while listening to Christmas music of course) and I think I just might finish them in time.  I'll be posting photographs of the results after the 25th.

Speaking of rain-spattered windows [see last photo above], Mabel spent the entire two hour drive from LA to San Diego yesterday staring at the rain droplets as they scurried across the window of the car.  At one point, she tried to eat them but much to her dismay wasn't able to.  She most certainly has an obsession with food, which I used to find sort of endearing and altogether amusing, until it put her life at risk...  

Mabel developed a routine during the evenings where she'd scour the kitchen for remnants of food (she found the mother load of stray popcorn in the corner of the kitchen after I'd made a bowl for myself using the air popper and hasn't forgotten it since).  While making dinner one night last week, Mabes had managed to wedge all but her two little drumstick back legs underneath the cabinet that we put our microwave on.  I wasn't aware she was stuck until I realized that she wasn't able to move... at all.  That was when Operation Free Chunkster McMabes was put into place.  She still forages while I cook, but has learned to stay away from the Big Bad Silver Box.

(These photos remind me of our cloud babies, which have unfortunately been dwindling in number.  I'll have to inspire Colin to make a project out of them... he loves LOVES loves working on projects.  [Note to self: buy more SuperPlus tampons to replenish cloud population.])

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