Thursday, January 13, 2011

Be Mine (by watching this film!)

Hi All!  Sorry I've been absent from the blog for a while.  I've been frantically working hard to get New Year's Resolution Number Three out of the way; I may be newly employed soon!!  Please keep your fingers crossed for me...

Colin and I saw a wonderfully put together movie on Sunday that I'd somehow forgotten to tell you all about: Blue Valentine.  If you haven't heard of it before, it's about a couple who married at an early age whose relationship seems to be falling apart at the seams.  It sounds a little sad [it is], but it's so realistically heart-wrenching and entirely enthralling--a must see.  It elegantly contrasts the couple's current situation with scenes from when they first met, emotionally engaging the viewers like no other (so eloquently put, right?).

After seeing it, I just wanted to hug Colin as hard as I could.  (You'll see what I mean)

Did I mention that Noah's in it (and by Noah I mean Ryan Gosling)?  Mmm.

And Michelle Williams' style is to die for.

I hope I've sufficiently convinced you to shell out the $30 or so it costs nowadays to see a movie...

With love,

PS-Mabes has gotten into the habit of pivoting in circles with her butt anchored to the floor recently.  Should I be concerned about this?  How about the odd behavior of thrashing her head around like she's trying to head-butt invisible flies?

1 comment:

  1. Pearl does it too, they are itching their wee-wees. kinda weird, yes.


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