Zeena's been a mess recently.
My brother-in-law and I were throwing the tennis ball for her in the backyard when I was visiting for Christmas, and I couldn't help but marvel at how young and with-it she was for a grandma dog. That evening, though, her bad eye got all red fluid-filled and we had to take her to the vet. Turns out she's not as with-it as I thought; we ended up popping some probably important organ in her eyeball so ball throwing was nixed. Indefinitely. As was wearing normal collars (the vet says the collar was putting too much pressure on her eyes). She now wears what I like to call a Grandma Girdle, a harness that's particularly ugly but apparently more comfortable than the generic, more attractive kind.
She's been running into furniture more often than normal, too, and Colin likes to joke that she'll soon become Pirate Beels (Beels is one of her many nicknames), eye patch and all. I don't know what I'll do with myself when she finally goes. She's been around since I was in elementary school.
Besides dealing with Z's issues, I've been listening to a fair amount of music recently, including Fleet Foxes, whom I had included on that rainy day mix. Here's the song I've been playing most often of theirs:
Besides the Foxes, my other go-to band is Bon Iver, whose songs I also included in that mix.
I've been hankering for some new music recently, so if you know of any woodsy, bearded lead singin', escaped to the forest Thoreau-style bands, please, please, PLEASE comment!
It's another sushi night for me and Colin at our usual place, and I can't wait! Meals just haven't been the same since I started this diet. Eating out consists of eating salads, which I'm not particularly fond of. (I can't believe I used to respond with "salad" as a favorite food when I was little... bluh) Thank goodness for gluten-free asian cuisine!
Happy Friday!
With love,
PS-I'll try to get a photo of today's outfit to post later on once Colin gets home. There's just so much involved with photographing myself, including rearranging a quarter of the apartment to make enough space. I know, I know. Excuses, excuses...
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