Shirt: Thrifted (bought yesterday!!)
Jeans: Hand-me-downs from older sister
Shoes: _____ (I'm sure you can fill in the blank! It's practically summer time, time to awaken them from their hibernation)
Scarf: Given to me by a shop owner in downtown L.A.; he felt bad that I had to spend the day with Colin and his friends who were ransacking the place, and gave it to me--free of charge--as a token of his sympathy
Purse: Flea market find
Sunglasses: Vintage clothing store in Savannah
Necklace: Gift from Colin
The Keds are back! I'm sure you missed them terribly. It was scorching today so a thin cotton shirt was very much in order, as were the Keds (obviously). Today's outfit harkened memories of my Opa (german for grandfather) who used to garden in worn cotton shirts that all too often looked as though he'd purchased them from the women's section (he was a brilliant man, but lacked the knowhow to handle anything that wasn't plant related). If this shirt hadn't been previously owned by him at some point, I'm sure it would have eventually found its way into his closet.
Isn't Pearl the cutest? She's gnawing on her dino, a most coveted dog chew among the Ellana/Colin household. She and Mabel were fighting over it when Pearl swiped it and took off to the couch, where she knows Mabel can't get to it (unlike Pearl, Mabel lacks the ability to jump on the couch... her efforts to fling herself high enough to reach it are something worth seeing). Pearl is also a camera hog (unlike Mabes whom I have to drag from bed to get her to take pictures with me) and made sure to include herself in almost all the photographs today.
As I write, the pups are begging to take their nightly walk to the bay, and I'm afraid I must oblige. I had to skip the walk yesterday, and definitely paid for it last night. The girls tore it up like there was no tomorrow...
Pearl looks like a bunny in that picture of her chewing the dental dino.