I left for Phoenix on Wednesday to help pack up my room (my parents have moved out of my childhood house to a smaller place), and on the way there Mabel got carsick. The first time it happened, I couldn't stop to clean it up so I may have let her eat it up? (she loves the taste of partially digested dog food), but I learned not to do that again once she barfed that up a second time. It got EVERYWHERE: in the cup holder, across the middle console, between both front seats, on my purse, and underneath the emergency brake. It's cleaned up for the most part, though I think the dryer sheets I've sprinkled throughout the car will will have to remain there for a while... At least until the smell subsides.
Note to self: don't feed the dogs right before embarking on a road trip.
2. Patterned socks
I'll be getting a copy of this book at a used bookstore tonight, I hope. I'm terribly anxious to read it!!
This Want is about as realistic as the Dachshund Want, but I can still pretend that I'll have one soon. I've got a very powerful imagination.
Cheers to Friday!
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