I can't get enough of Mad Men. Though it's been on the air for a few years, I only just discovered the show while visiting my parents a couple months ago. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you purchase the first season and start catching up! It is the most well written show I've ever seen. And if that isn't convincing enough, the main character is a total babe:
I love the fashion, too.
(Betty Draper's especially)

See Colin's favorite scene here.
And mine, here.
(I couldn't embed them so I'll have to trust that you'll click on the links to view them!)
We've only just started the second season, which explains why both of our favorite scenes are from season one, but we can't wait to see how the story unfolds. The characters seem so realistically complex that you can't help but allow their stories and experiences to envelop you. It's an incredibly intricate plot line, one that requires your undivided attention (Colin likes to chat while watching TV and he's learning that you can't really do that with this show--we're constantly having to pause and rewind!!) because every little bit of the story matters.
I can't wait to see what happens in tonight's episode!
**Happy Birthday to my little sister, Carly! I hope your 21st is everything you imagined it to be. Enjoy this disturbing video of a hedgehog swimming in some women's tub.
I get it from netflix this week! I'm excited!
ReplyDeleteAwkward to watch with my parents or no? (season one)
Yeah, that video was disturbing because of the people. I wish I never turn into one of those kinds of animals ppl. Thank ellana... so far its just another day. Waiting for drinking time to start.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if it'd be weird or not. There are definitely some racy scenes, though, which could be kind of uncomfortable.
ReplyDeleteThat's too bad, Car. That's what happens when you have a birthday during the middle of the week, unfortunately.
i love mad men! my friend gave me seasons 1-3 so i've been watching when i can.. still on season 1 though... pharm school is taking over my life! haha